Welcome to egghelp.page.tl This manual must help you done your eggdrop settings.
1. Step is: From program WinSCP, give your eggdrop on your Shellaccount ( you must have min. 6 MB free space on your acc.)
2. Step is: You must untar from Putty this eggdrop, command for done it is: tar -zxvf eggdrop1.6.17 or If you have another nick name of tar file them change it to ..... tar -zxvf <tar file name> .
3. Step is: If you have untared Eggdrop on your shell account, you need to show you To eggdrop1.6.17 file's with command: cd eggdrop1.6.17 or valid name of category.
4. Step is: If you are in this category, you need to ./configure it.
5. Step is: Now you need done make config file and make & make install .
6. Step is: IF you have Bot installed on your shell you must done Your Eggdrop.conf file.... Example:
All With #.................. please delete!!!!!!!!!!!
#########You need to Save this config file by name eggdrop.conf###################
######First Run must be from Putty & with command: ./eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf######
############second Can Be with commands: ./eggdrop or ./eggdrop -m#############
##################If you have some problems please contact me on##################
######################FFD@Zmail.sk or irc.utchat.com #egghelp#####################
##########################Now you must dellete What's down with #|################
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule blowfish
loadmodule transfer
loadmodule share
#Here You need set Bot Nick and Bot Alternative Nick name, Them user #name and Bot real name, Email, Adn who is Owner of this bot.
set nick "BotNick"
set altnick "BotAltNick"
set username "Username"
set realname "Bot Real Name"
set admin "Admin <email: Email@email.sk>"
set owner "Owner"
# [0/1/2/3/4/5] What is your network?
# 0 = Efnet (non +e/+I hybrid), 1 = IRCnet, 2 = Undernet, 3 = Dalnet,
# 4 = Efnet +e/+I hybrid, 5 = Others
set net-type 5
#Here you need change irc server!
set default-port 6667
set servers {
#Here you need to change for your channel
channel add #kanal
listen 6666 all
set userfile "BotNick.user"
set chanfile "BotNick.chan"
set notefile "BotNick.notes"
#//////////////////////////HERE DO NOT DELETE SOMETHINK///////////////////////////#
# This defines where the bot should store temp files.
set temp-path "tmp"
#Default console flags
set console "mkcobxs"
loadmodule uptime
#source scripts/userinfo.tcl
#loadhelp userinfo.help
#loadhelp scripts/nazov:scriptu.tcl
7. Step is: Running bot must be from putty: cd eggdrop & ./eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf .
8. Step is: In mIRC & setted IRC network you must done: /msg <BotNickname> hello Them Bot Writes you somethink like: [07:22] -Eggoper- Hi j0nnyX`! I'm <BotNickname>, an eggdrop bot.
[07:22] -Eggoper- I'll recognize you by hostmask <your host mask> from now on.
[07:22] -Eggoper- As master you really need to set a password: with /MSG Eggoper pass <your-chosen-password>.
[07:22] -Eggoper- All major commands are used from DCC chat. From now on, you don't need to use the -m option when starting the bot. Enjoy !!!
Them follow This one. ( /msg <BotNickName> pass <your -chosen-password>
9. Step is: If you need show somethink TCL scripts you need to download it and show it on shell account to scripts folder & them you need to change eggdrop.conf file. in section #scripts you need write: source scripts/<nameofscript>.tcl
10. Step For reset bot you must go to party line with bot /ctcp <botnickname> chat them you need show him your owner nick name and owner pass. Them for reset or load script is commands: .rehash | .reset | .die (for quit bot)
11.Step is:Have Funn 